Lady Gaga released her popular track "Rain On Me" off her famous album "Chromatica" in May. A month later, the Grammy-winning performer and cultural icon collaborated with Adobe and Live Nation to challenge creators in nations such as the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom to bring their ideas to life in new ways.
From self-portraits to abstract representations of perseverance in the face of adversity, the options for visually expressing the specific meaning of "Rain On Me" to creatives are limitless. For this competition, creative individuals joining in must share their creative designs on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter with the hashtag #LadyGagaxAdobe until the 22nd of September 2020, and follow the hashtag to see how other creators are bringing their inner worlds to life.
Photographs, drawings, textures, and icons will be available to creators to use online. They've also made this challenge more approachable by including "Rain On Me"-inspired Spark templates and Photoshop Camera Lenses.
This was my final front cover vinyl design entry for Adobe and Lady Gaga's album design competition, Rain on Me. I utilised Adobe-supplied symbols and graphics from Lady Gaga's "Rain on Me" song album. Then, to create the flashing lightning effect, I photographed some automobiles passing by on the highway with their headlights and tail lights turned on. I utilised Photoshop's blob brush effects to create this globe effect barrier. I then added some stars and clouds to create this cosmic area around her to represent her own planet.